

Русский Ютуб

ЗИМНИЙ ХИТ – Лучшие Видео Клипы | Душевный Шансон. Песни на все времена. Горячие Хиты Холодной Зимой

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01. АРТУР – Падал белый снег 00:00
02. ЕВГЕНИЙ КОНОВАЛОВ – А за окошком ветер вьюжит 03:47
03. ИРИНА КРУГ – Прости меня 08:07
04. ИГОРЬ КИБИРЕВ – В твоём сердце зима 12:01
05. СЕРГЕЙ ТРОФИМОВ – Снегири 16:25
06. ЕЛЕНА ВАЕНГА – Снег 19:28
07. МИХАИЛ ШУФУТИНСКИЙ – Падал снег / В городском саду 24:22
08. СЕРГЕЙ НАГОВИЦЫН – Городские встречи 28:37
09. ЖЕКА – Гололёд 32:38
10. АЛЕКСАНДР ДЮМИН – Белая 36:48
11. АЛЕКСАНДР МАРШАЛ – Белый пепел 42:01
13. СЕРГЕЙ ДУБРОВИН – Метели 50:57
14. АНДРЕЙ БАНДЕРА – Метелица 54:39
15. НАДЕЖДА МЕЛЬЯНЦЕВА – Северная ночь 58:34
16. ЭДУАРД ХУСНУТДИНОВ – Ах, метель 1:01:37
17. ИРИНА КРУГ – Фамилия 1:07:03
18. ВИКТОР КОРОЛЁВ – Белый подснежник 1:10:43
20. СЕРГЕЙ ТРОФИМОВ – Московская песня 1:19:48
21. АЛЕКСАНДР РОЗЕНБАУМ – Зима 1:23:02
22. СЛАВА – Заметает зима 1:27:24
23. МИХАИЛ БУБЛИК – За серебряными снегами 1:31:06
24. ГРИША ПЕТРОВ – Белый снег 1:34:24
25. МИХАИЛ ШУФУТИНСКИЙ – Белые розы 1:38:03
26. ГРИГОРИЙ ЛЕПС – Вьюга 1:42:04
27. ИННА ВАЛЬТЕР – Я душу твою не отпускаю 1:46:38
28. ЖЕКА – Плавно падает снег 1:50:48
29. КАТЕРИНА ГОЛИЦЫНА И ДМИТРИЙ ХРИСТОВ – Снег в ладонях 1:55:11
30. МУРАТ ТХАГАЛЕГОВ – Вьюга 1:58:55
31. ВИКТОР ДОРИН – Белым снегом 2:01:19
32. АРТУР – У той зимы непрошенной 2:04:43
33. ИРИНА КРУГ – Выберу себя 2:08:43
34. ЯРОСЛАВ СУМИШЕВСКИЙ – Зима в Москве 2:12:13
35. ВЯЧЕСЛАВ СИДОРЕНКО – Падает мой первый снег 2:15:26
36. МАКС ВЕРТИГО – Туда, где снега 2:18:58
37. ЕЛЕНА ВАЕНГА – Кони 2:22:35
38. АНДРЕЙ БАНДЕРА – Ивушки 2:27:20
39. СТАС МИХАЙЛОВ – Метель 2:31:33
40. РУСТАМ НАХУШЕВ – Гололёд 2:34:41
41. ВИКТОР КОРОЛЁВ – Белый снег 2:38:43
42. НАДЕЖДА МЕЛЬЯНЦЕВА – Снежинки падают 2:42:59
43. АЛЕКСАНДР МАРЦИНКЕВИЧ – Снегопад 2:46:40
44. ЕЛЕНА ВОРОБЕЙ – Снова снег 2:50:44
45. АЛЕКСАНДР БУЙНОВ – Ранняя зима 2:54:02
46. МИХАИЛ БУБЛИК – С неба белый снег 2:57:27
47. КАТЕРИНА ГОЛИЦЫНА – Снег – белый щенок 3:01:49
48. АНДРЕЙ КУРЯЕВ – Снежная баба 3:05:49
49. ДЕМИДЫЧ – Снегирёк 3:09:23
51. ГРИГОРИЙ ЛЕПС – Снега 3:16:11
52. РАДА РАЙ – Запорошил снежок 3:20:15
53. БРАТЬЯ РАДЧЕНКО – Вьюга 3:24:02
54. ЕВГЕНИЙ РОСС – Запоздалый снег 3:27:44
55. ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ЕВТЫХ – Розы на снегу 3:31:53
56. ВИКТОР ДОРИН – Перезимуем 3:35:23
57. ОЛЬГА СТЕЛЬМАХ И АРТУР – Я по первому снегу… 3:38:25
58. АЛЕКСАНДР ЛОМИНСКИЙ – Опять белый снег 3:41:19
59. АСЛАН КЯТОВ – Затянуло небо 3:44:46
60. ВИКТОР КОРОЛЁВ – Снегири 3:47:42
61. ГРИГОРИЙ ГЕРАСИМОВ – Колдунья-судьба 3:51:08
62. СТАС МИХАЙЛОВ – Белым снегом 3:54:12
63. ИРИНА КРУГ – Снег 3:58:01
64. ЯРОСЛАВ СУМИШЕВСКИЙ – Снежное затмение 4:01:08
65. ГРИГОРИЙ ЛЕПС – Зима 4:05:10
66. КАТЕРИНА ГОЛИЦЫНА – Малиновый снег 4:09:04
67. НАДЕЖДА МЕЛЬЯНЦЕВА – Зима танцует по планете 4:13:59

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9 комментариев для “ЗИМНИЙ ХИТ – Лучшие Видео Клипы | Душевный Шансон. Песни на все времена. Горячие Хиты Холодной Зимой

  1. Happy holidays my friends Praying for my Friends goods healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happiness married goods married healthys loves healthys Relationsh

  2. Praying for my friends my family my father's my mother's irinas ifraimova my sisters my brothers goods healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happy loves
    happiness loves happinespraying for Irinas Ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys stay married have a good marriage stay in love being love have a blessed marriage stay faithful to your husband good love good marriage love stay honeymoon stage for your marriage being honeymoon stage for your love being your honeymoon stage for your relationship have a good heart Have lots of kids grand kids and be happy you are amazin good is gonna happen to you my friends
    wish you have a happiness in your life good love a jobs financial blessing a good healthys amazing healthys happy healthys
    Have a great blessings over your life amazing blessings stay blessed in your love stay blessed in your job stay blessed in your health Stay blessing your marriage stay married be married have a good marriage staying love being love have a happy love my Friendspraying for my Friends my family irinas ifraimova sisters and brothers healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys RelationshiPraying for irina ifraimova lives longs timesgoods healthys healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happiness married goods married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthPlease I ask Gods the longs life he's giving irina ifraimova longs irinas ifraimova life's goods healthys irinas ifraimovaPraying for my friends my family my father's my mother's irinas ifraimova my sisters my brothers goods healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happy loves
    happiness loves happinespraying for Irinas Ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys stay married have a good marriage stay in love being love have a blessed marriage stay faithful to your husband good love good marriage love stay honeymoon stage for your marriage being honeymoon stage for your love being your honeymoon stage for your relationship have a good heart Have lots of kids grand kids and be happy you are amazin good is gonna happen to you my friends
    wish you have a happiness in your life good love a jobs financial blessing a good healthys amazing healthys happy healthys
    Have a great blessings over your life amazing blessings stay blessed in your love stay blessed in your job stay blessed in your health Stay blessing your marriage stay married be married have a good marriage staying love being love have a happy love my Friendspraying for my Friends my family irinas ifraimova sisters and brothers healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys RelationshiPlease I ask Gods the longs life he's giving irina ifraimova longs irinas ifraimova life's goods healthys irinas ifraimovaHappy holidays my friends Praying for my Friends goods healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happiness married goods married healthys loves healthys RelationshPraying for irina ifraimova lives longs timesgoods healthys healthys be healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing healthys goods healthys be healthys be healthys goods healthys Stay healthy Blessing married goods healthys Blessing over Stay blessing. blessed state blessings have a good blessings have amazing blessings stay healthys be healthys goods healthys Goods Jobs goods money's Good love good marriage stay married have a good healthys marriage. Getting married stay married be married goods married Getting married stay get married be married a lot loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married healthyspraying for my Friends healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys loves healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    happiness married goods married healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married health

  3. Praying for irina ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing healthys blessings healthys goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing healthys blessings healthys goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing jobs good luck getting married good marriage healthys loves healthys Relationship healthys married
    Irina Ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing healthys blessings healthys goods healthys Stay healthys Always irinas ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing healthys blessings healthys goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing jobs good luck getting married having kids grandkids honeymoon relationship honeymoon
    Honeymoon loves
    Honeymoon marriage healthys loves
    Honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and irinas ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthys Stay healthys irinas ifraimova lives longs times goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy

  4. Praying my friends goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing healthys blessings healthys goods healthys Stay healthys Always healthy Blessing jobs blessings money's blessings jobs blessings money's blessings jobs blessings money's blessings jobs blessings money's loves Healthys amazing health love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together honeymoon marriage honeymoon love honeymoon relationship honeymoon husband and wife together be kind be respectful be polite be friendly and have a big heart True Heart loving

  5. Хорошие песни! Спасибо!!! "Помолилась ты, за всех! Ты молитвы знаешь! Хорошо, что этим ты, людям помогаешь! И сама, себя ты, береги! Николай Угодник! Помоги!"

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