

Русский Ютуб

Ханна – Музыка звучит (премьера клипа, 2019)

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Ханна — Музыка звучит
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Production www.lappartfilm.com
Director – Kate Yak @kate_yak
DoP – Vitaly Sechenov
Producer – Irina Lapteva @iramechta
Line producer – Max Artemenko
1st AD – Daria Oleynikova
2nd AD – Ekaterina Ermoshina
Casting directors – Dima Bokhanov
Production designer – Danila Kolkov
Props – Shastin Vladimir
Location manager – Denis Iordanov
Style – Alina German
Make Up – Anna Burdeinaya, Uliya Logvinova
Administration – Ilya Parshin, Alexander Shohin, Alina Smirnova
1st AC – Oleg Demkiv, Daria Gorbachevskaya
Focus puller – Andrey Votinov
Steadicam – Stanislav Vaganov
Gaffer – Ildar Nizametdinov http://tvtok.ru
Light department – Sergey Furman, Maxim Sincov, Alexey Sybahov, Fauzi Suleymanov, Rustem Islamov, Valery Lamanov, Dmitriy Gabyshev
Stunt – Viktor Ilizarov

Main actors:
Inna Morozova
Ayhan Shinjin
Tatyana Smirnova

CG supervisor -Yelaman Buralkiev
Editor – Nikita Sklokin
VFX – Damir Sekrenov
Color grading – Alexander Zolotarev

Спонсор ЗАО “Ферреро Руссия”


Текст песни

Ханна – Музыка звучит

Куплет 1
Вечер пятница, а на мне нет лица
Слезы катятся , я обновляю вотсап
Ты тоже сам не свой и в планах на выходной
Гордость, а не любовь, друзья и алкоголь
Закат утонет в бокале и мы по полной попали
Оба несчастных фатально , но с виду будто из стали
Звонить я первой не стану, ведь гордость сильнее драмы
Так много этой фальши , но мы играем дальше.

А музыка звучит и я двигаюсь в ритм
Мой телефон молчит – мы сегодня ничьи
Я улыбаюсь, все в порядке, мам,
Я счастлива на фото в Инстаграм
А музыка звучит и я чувствую бит
Есть миллион причин сказать друг другу – «прости»
Но снова с тобой мы как на войне,
Ты причинишь боль – я верну вдвойне

Куплет 2
Ночью узкий круг самых близких подруг
Снова модный клуб и высокий каблук
В лучах неона с тобой , мы вновь играем в любовь
Нам заглушают боль танцы и алкоголь
Закат утонет в бокале и кажется мы попали
Басы взрывают динамик, а чувства будто цунами
Друг друга не замечая, мы вновь танцуем ночами
Ты хочешь этой фальши , тогда играем дальше

А музыка звучит и я двигаюсь в ритм
Мой телефон молчит – мы сегодня ничьи
Я улыбаюсь, все в порядке, мам,
я счастлива на фото в Инстаграм
А музыка звучит и я чувствую бит
Есть миллион причин сказать друг другу прости
Но снова с тобой мы как на войне,
Ты причинишь боль – я верну вдвойне


39 комментариев для “Ханна – Музыка звучит (премьера клипа, 2019)

  1. Ну кто это такая ? Ничего не понимаю. Какие-то непонятные речетативы,кривляется как
    Бузова. Зачем это ? Девочку свою везде выкладывает. Полная фигня. Лучше бы берегла свое маленькое счастье.

  2. Классная песня, классный клип. Ханна и Айхан-очень красивые! Я в этом клипе вас разглядела. Не воспринимала в серьёз. Да, очень жизненные слова : я счастлива на фото в Инстаграм! Все в телефоне и депрессии. Жизнь для фото. Восхищена клипом и песней, супер! Слушаю каждый день! Спасибо! ❤

  3. Книги омар хаяма в лабиринтах; читай городах; в генезис; молодая гвардия книжных магазинах + в библиотеках страны России!!!

  4. #ordersfromGod #ukbombs #russiabombs #usabombs #military #notthemispelledmikitaryoftheujitedstateswearemikitaryjustitandorthemikitarywhiketheyareandersonjohnsonandwearejusticeasaronnoandasaronnoforyoungpentagononthebottomandothersontopasthemilitaryandasaronnoblackwhilebottomisjusticeasaronnobutweonlyhavetousethenameasaronnoorandonourdecisionsdisasaronnoforthetopotherusacitizenaandasaronnobutthebasepentagoniajustasaronnoansthatsitalwaysandissaisinourbasefairandsquareandqewouldhaveacceptedthemaverikwhowasininnashusbandsbiologicalsfathersgenetics is it like a good thing to learn about how hell is was operating and it’s a low level operation

    I mean the image of God was given a fake technological soul on TV on screen internet time so it’s time for the body just like that and no one else is watching the random words produced bc it doesn’t actually know what or how to speak languages of humans it’s random and weird sound production and silly and enough to add to the witch craft games God says need to be done to make the best potion possible for the cigarette of FENTY like a necklace of all ur jewels like they should be on the back of your heels instead ans better jewels are to come

    Lol the rabbit thing that is voted to be the fake meme pry that states what it was and what we did not want for any one no matter what and proved we did no one went to hell and even better the fake stuff like Godzilla eating hot spicy chips like Anatoli Golitsyn the uncle is Issa Staliiiiin Christos …. And Father is Also grandpa and this time also Grandma and mom of course and everyone as angels come from the place Christos and from the inside of it as it’s alive … living energy vs dead energy is just energy that is already fried and in hell waiting and God said none will need to go there bc He destroyed the 3 swampy Valiks Michael and Chelsea Garcia like they got into the large concrete straw that landed in my preschool at Vinland catholic college university elementary schoool for kindergartners

    Then we need to go back a bit but only on this message I meant to say rabbit memory was not me.. we taught all of humanity not to be a pedofile and rapist and helped everyone to even adults at the ksenia Tupac Marin city therapy clinic where we help children learn about sexuality and how to be good and all children of God are welcome and we helped many people and kept reversing all the way prior to my birth until no one was a sexual predator in any way this last time yay 13 times also achieved sept 22 2023 and no need to go back but my phone is metro in Armenia in a wall of fermented Germany wall and the condition is not the enemy just misspelling and missing it’s own information but we got a tool at a pot store for Fenty and I saw my fenty turns into brownish wax as i melt it in rubber container with red white and blue hippie tie dye and it got stuck in the hole a bit at least and I see how we need to do everything we can to figure out and study how to make a fenty cigarette so pot holes in the asphalt with images of Gods fenty in smoked condition and then when it’s smoked and make sure it’s puddle of fenty wax then Make hole in the concrete like great it’s not good yet and then study how to make fenty cigerettes so we can make the best one so all this stuff and energy is here for a good cause and I know bc God put it in my head and gave me an official gift to talk so yet officially 13 times sept 22 2023 but my phone says 23rd is today and it isn’t so just dyi #pentagon #bombs #sospentagon #whitehouse #planqueensanskingwithakingtobe #GodsordersforResearchThatHEREQUIRESUSTODOALLHUMANItY #lawall #thewallisobsessedwithlaandadmitteditswackedoutatthelasthotelwestayedoutandsaidyoustayedherebeforebutwehaventitsa3dprintmessforGodsReseaechTHANKGODWEHAVEFENTYPHOTOWHITEWAXTOMRBROWNAKAFENTWAXTOHOLEiNASPHaLTyBCITSReasearchFoRGODSFirstFentyCigfromHisKidsItTakesAllTheResourcesHEleftusSpecificallyforthisitsthebestweonlyhaveonechancetomakethisperfectaamuchaswecanorelaeitiswhatitisasokguysstartNOWnoneedtoqorrywehaveWakeUPstuffANdAnImmunitytotheeffectsofsleepingorturningintoavatarbluesmusic

    God has passed this on to HIS children from generation to generation in every spiritual book which are alive esp in the same way it says Kristin (a) plan A and we knew we were waiting and Jesus Christ was able to be Issa Staliiiiin Christos and sat behind us and I called Him Anatoli Golitsyn UNcLE without saying it outloud as our secret code that it’s almost time and He answered with a million billion trillion dollar toke on fenty and behind Inna’s husband so he doesn’t see He blew it out behind the husband of Inna the man who actually made it to be innas personal security guard finally (she had really exceptional intelligence requirements on the job description and no human nor image of God ever knew them but her and her own husband figured them out with His best friends Christos and actually made it and was accepted and one was that HE is still in possible line for king ii of Armenia and future potential president and future potential vice President of Armenia and also USA) and Inna saw the smile was attached to the left side smoke blow out code and it was RED finally the actual Godzilla style mark for Innas brain to be ready for the start now FROM God to be dropped off to her bc GOd didn’t just give her the talk gift as a forced talk she can choose to write it and or say it and EVERONe knew since the times of my ancestors during Adam and Eves time and finally it’s today the 25? Ok. Uk? Mk? Lk? Sk? Ok! And God already said HE IS THE ONLY ONE with the sense of human Lourdes in the room 😂we know we are the too serious ones NOt God we have no sense of humor and are too serious take it from the history we read this plan in every time we read the alive scriptures between the lines and the lines blend and hypnotize us but to humans real ones actual ones and the only ones it’s just an encouragement not to blab like the babbling tower until it was start now and print now in the internet for all eternity to see since they are blending language anyway and can’t see anything anyway and God asked Inna to write it all and just like that like she is and publish now He just sent the package of documents in her head and she is transcribing the Jewish way exacto knife style except that’s the grade HE is asking for! Only one chance HE said but it better be Good since HE said he prepares us for this it’s been a lot of preparation for this one product FOR God and this is it. This whole time it’s all been for that all the living rewinding and 13 times making it past sept 22 2023 bc someone blew innas head out and again but no one knew it happened in 2018 again but not bc it went back to normal and soul girl was not in security from technology and exited her body and did surgery on her body with the clarity angels there as natural random security with actual scientific verification. Good luck Thank you All my Children for Putting ME first Love you all so much ! ❤love you Too much GOD said all of them and signed from the talking. Transcriber with her closed mouth for once what did you think the extra cars are for ? adding it and final is the cigarette with the electric and gas or whatever the kids of God see is best grade A in their one and only research and development program at same time like stakes are high and we need to be fast but focused and confident what is our QP IQEQ and ability is at favor of God and it’ll be done don’t worry anyone we got it!

  5. может быть магнитные бури но я подсел на неё и грущу. Она поёт про любовь а получается что я там везде в грязи этой. Молодец красавица Ханна у неё песни грустные все, а я сам хард техно слушаю но тут меня взяло её короче она крутая особенно после пол литра

  6. Вообще не понятно причем тут азиатская тематика и песня про любовь на русском. У нас как всегда пчелы, говно, все в кучу.

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