

Русский Ютуб

48 комментариев для “Bad Idea!!!

  1. I remember hearing about this movie for the first time and not believeing it "yeah hes like an artificial hommonculi who looks like human but he has like big ass scissors for fingers(!?!?) and the Frankenstein ass inventor who made him lives in a giant spooky mansion on this mountain right next to a 1950's suburb and when the doctor dies he goes down to live with people in the suburbs" like bro what the fuck was tim burton smoking. How the fuck do you pitch this in a meeting 😂

  2. God this is one of the movies i have to watch 😭 growing up in a very strict Christian household im still catching up on good movies to watch 😭 if anyone can leave more recommendations thatll be greatly appreciated 😭

  3. Behold the algorithm has spoken! It is time to watch Edward Scissor Hands. I'll come back to this comment to let everyone know if I manage to watch the whole movie off of shorts alone

  4. I think it's necessary to watch these movies.
    Edward Scissor Hands
    Napoleon Dynamite
    Ferris Bueller's day off
    What's Eating Gilbert Grape
    even somewhat newer movies like A Beautiful Mind. if you're part of any younger generation, these movies are the 1995 kids starter pack. I was born in '02 but I swear I was born a few years too late

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