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Badfinger History – 5 Things That You Didn’t Know About “Baby Blue”

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It was their last top 20 hit.


20 комментариев для “Badfinger History – 5 Things That You Didn’t Know About “Baby Blue”

  1. Big Badfinger fan. Great songwriting and musicianship. What a terrible shame. Saw them in 72 ,I think , at the long Island arena. The Long Island Ducks played there. Then in a small bar in Queens ,early 80's maybe , it was just Tom and Mike . Got to spoke to them .

  2. Hey!!!!!!! Side note… For the longest time when I was younger, I thought the bad finger song no matter what, what's a Beatles song!!!!!!!!!! Anyway… Since you ARE THE BEST AT THIS!!!!!!!!!! -on the note of it's an actual real person… The Queen song, now I'm here… The first verse – down in the dungeon, just peaches and me… My friend Marty lived in New Orleans for a little while, and told me that the dungeon is a real place, and peaches is a real person who was part of that scene!!!!!!!!!! Up for a little research???

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