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Beatles History – “Do You Want To Know A Secret” – 5 Things That You Didn’t Know

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It was a hit for both The Beatles and Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas


9 комментариев для “Beatles History – “Do You Want To Know A Secret” – 5 Things That You Didn’t Know

  1. One of my favorites! And so often overlooked. The sound…..of Paul and John harmonizing in the background: you don't really hear that very often in their catalogue. George had so few spotlight numbers, and most of those were early rockers or Indian stuff. "Happy Just to Dance With You" had them. Dang ol', pretty, man. I heard an isolated vocals clip of the bridge in "Something", just George and Paul. You talk about the hair rising on your neck; incredibly gorgeous. But this song — George's voice had that special, inimitable twang to it. They'll never be able to take the Beatles away from us.

  2. The voice on the record is clearly Paul McCartney I don’t know what this guy is talking about when he said the song was written for George Harrison! Don’t believe the self-styled experts who will say anything to be on YouTube. What a flagrant misrepresentation. Anybody who knows Paul‘s voice can hear Paul singing this !!!

  3. Goy my 1st Beatles lp, Let it Be, in 3rd grade 1970.

    Rarely listen anymore because John was a socialist/athiest/commie and Paul is a wack-a- doodle vegan, who'll fire you for eating meat and is a narcissistic mench.

    Have so many orig lps, too.

    Frauds both.

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