

Русский Ютуб

Bird’s Teardrops || Estas Tonne feat. Peia || Ashland, Oregon 2018

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Bird’s Teardrop captures a creative moment during a live performance with a dear friend Peia during the Breath of Sound world tour in Ashland, Oregon in 2018. Without rehearsals or preparations, this harmonious flow of sound and Peia’s voice of a lark is a journey of trust as an essence of life on and off the stage.

Peia – Hypnotic Old World Folk & Ancestral Song Keeper


⭐💛⭐Digital download and streaming of this recording is available now!⭐💛⭐
Official website: https://www.estastonne.com/release/birds-teardrops/
iTunes: https://apple.co/3lheWdN
Bandcamp https://bit.ly/3HFOvHY
Spotify https://spoti.fi/32lq9mS
▶️ Spotify playlist: https://spoti.fi/36PADrG

Captured Live in Ashland, Oregon
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered: Leon Galperin
Filmed; Geri Dagys

For The Love of Light

#estas_tonne #estastonne #peialuzzi #peia_luzzi


35 комментариев для “Bird’s Teardrops || Estas Tonne feat. Peia || Ashland, Oregon 2018

  1. The name of the song is Bird’s Teardrops appeared in my feed.. Was it random? Universes doesn’t exist by chance or randomly. Everything has an incredible purposes…
    Are the ones crying birds? Or the REAL birds who are in tears are US? Locked and caged in this physical body while falling blind to our endless attributes. Yes.. We are the birds locked and prisoned in everything material without seeing the MEANING should be crying for the level of love, compassion and kindness we waste in this dimension called the earth 💧🩷 Who knows maybe the birds would then teach us how to fly and escape our ego…

  2. стоит закрыть глаза и полетел….. можно сказать многое, важное, не сказав при этом ни слова….

  3. Дар Людей это быть Людьми, находить гармонию в мире между физическими поступками (гитара) и моральными принцыпами (солист). Два человека показали нам, что Люди имеют право называться с большой буквы Л.!!!

  4. 2024.
    바울이 더베와 루스드라에도 이르매 거기 디모데라는 제자가 있으니 그 모친은 믿는 유대 여자요
    부친은 헬라인이라
    디모데는 루스드라와 이고니온에 있는 형제들에게 칭찬받는 자니
    바울이 그를 데리고 떠나고자 할쌔 그 지경에 있는 유대인을 인하여 그를 데려다가 할례를 행하니
    이는 그 사람들이 그의 부친은 헬라인인 줄 다 앎이러라
    여러 성으로 다녀갈 때에 예루살렘에 있는 사도와 장로들의 작정한 규례를 저희에게 주어 지키게 하니
    이에 여러 교회가 믿음이 더 굳어지고 수가 날마다 더하니라
    아 멘


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