

Русский Ютуб

Bro was being a nom nom monster and now he accepting his fate like dang I’m really out here

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50 комментариев для “Bro was being a nom nom monster and now he accepting his fate like dang I’m really out here

  1. This cat is bigger and of course he needs more food. You humans are tight with food. Never bother anyone who eats. Cat kick this human out of the house he doesn't know food portions. I bet if this human wants seconds with food he is going to get seconds and no one will push him …dummy

  2. Tbf, we don't onow FOR SURE that he ate,(tho he most likely did lol 😂 and is just being a tad greedy), but if he didn't eat, he wtill gets just as hingry, regardless of size, assuming he didn't eat, tho lets be real, he most likely wolfed / scarfed hos food down in seconds lol.

  3. that cat greed crazy fr. my 16 pounder wont stop head butting or body checking her 5 lb sister away from their dishes. she cant even clean herself she does not need more and my poor lil runt has been that size her whole life 😐

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