

Русский Ютуб

DJ VAL – Through the silence ♫ Golden Eurodance HiT ♫

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DJ VAL – Through the silence

valeriyasteph- https://www.instagram.com/valeriyasteph/
veronika.esipova- https://www.instagram.com/veronika.esipova/
BABINA Alena Babicheva -https://www.instagram.com/alenababicheva/

Eurodance, which is also known as Eurohouse or Euro-NRG, is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the late 1980s primarily in Europe. It combines elements from house, techno, Hi-NRG and especially Euro disco. Eurodance production has continued to evolve with a more modernized style that incorporates elements from electro and techno music.

#djval #eurodance #music2021


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