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Don’t drink before your live performance Repost: ryan_lim_champ #pianoplayer #pianist

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Don’t drink before your live performance

Repost: ryan_lim_champ
#pianoplayer #pianist #pianoperformance #pianopiano


25 комментариев для “Don’t drink before your live performance Repost: ryan_lim_champ #pianoplayer #pianist

  1. The whole thing is mathematically correct for a lot of reasons why the square roots have the same ingredients and numbers as a vibrational structure which we still project to this day but we have sequences of frequency that become well defined by our knowledge of such things ❤love honor and trusting respect for all people who know that I'm saying. The circles with in circles effortlessly looping like a spherical moebius loop the sun's own spiraling edge is a literal mind body language of space densities and its own musical history

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