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How I Make My Drums HIT 🔥

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22 комментария для “How I Make My Drums HIT 🔥

  1. making drums full tutorial
    Snare : Slap someone
    Kick : Punch someone
    Hi Hats : Try to light someone on fire(lighter isnt working)
    Toms : slap caseoh's belly
    dont forget to record while you doing all of this so you will get the best results

    edit: i forgot the most important one
    THE 808 : wiggle the door stopper with a spring.

  2. So if you're working with an older version of FL where there's no clip option, is it wise to just add a soft clipper on the 808 in the mixer? I remember a short you dropped a few months ago where you mentioned people doing this and iirc you said it's not a good choice, and that the soft clipper is best saved for the master and with default settings. I may be getting some details wrong here but I thought that was what you advised.

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