

Русский Ютуб

29 комментариев для “How Not To Talk With Server!!!

  1. Honestly reminds me of working in the Hotel industry~ Get guests like this every day, but the really bad ones we report their rooms as smoking, claiming it was an anonymous tip that the current guests are smoking (in a non-smoking environment mind you). It only leads to a investigation, but if they really were smoking (which a surprising number of them ARE) it is a $500 to $1000 fine charged to their account due to the work the staff has to put into reworking the room, possibly removing carpet and replacing mattresses, pillows, anything that absorbs the smoke scent, and the guest to have a permanent profile for all other hotels related to that chain leading to a possible 86 if escalated.

    In other words: Be kind and courteous to those who serve you. Even high rollers aren't immune to this as our hotel had to do this and 86 someone who would spend millions of dollars on us. Then again, also cost us millions in not only his winning but the damages he caused.

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