

Русский Ютуб

Kittyo like ah yeah life getting unpredictable I didn’t expect prvnci to really blow up

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40 комментариев для “Kittyo like ah yeah life getting unpredictable I didn’t expect prvnci to really blow up

  1. I’m gonna sound like such a cat person but I really do think he was just trying to play lol my cat has moments like this where he will beg for attention and the moment you give it to him he will go into pounce mode and grab my feet and give them some kicks. Although the meows at the end of the video DID sound a little rude. He may have smelt another animal on her.

  2. that's a playful gesture, trust me u know when you do get attacked, my 5yo self remembered that all too well, i prefer dogs from that point, doesn't changed the fact my neighbour got rabies from dog bites tho, such childhood that was.

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