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35 комментариев для “Part 2 with Howie Mandel #reaction

  1. I will throw Howie some grace. He had been watching a variety of talent levels, all thinking they are the best at what they do, even some that to use the term talent is almost an insult. It was his job to weed out those who weren't the best, and without a perfect performance it gets harder, even when it's something never done before.

  2. The Bitter Truth.
    Many times it is painful, and most people will reject it and spit it out. But Lindsey is not like most people. She accepted the pain, and the truth. Over the course of many years, she used that experience like medicine. With her self-determination and the support of her fans, she has now transformed into an artist as unique as a winged unicorn. Harboring no animosity in her past, she continues to move through time, never wasting a day.

  3. There is brutally honest and then there is cruel. There are ways to say things. Im not pointing a finger at him specifically as i never have seen what was said except Piers! Say no more !! Shame on my fellow Brit!

  4. Being reject on that audition was the best thing that happened to her, she WORKED SO FREAKING hard after this and she proved herself that she had what it take with more work and dedication

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