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Popular Songs That NEVER Charted… (Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Travis Scott, 50 Cent)

1 минута чтение

It’s crazy how some of the biggest and most popular rap songs ever, never ended up charting on the Billboard Hot 100… Below are the examples for today:

1. Kendrick Lamar – “Money Trees”
2. Travis Scott – “90210”
3. Kanye West – “I Wonder”
4. 50 Cent – “Many Men”

And there are so many other hit songs that didn’t chart too. Expect a part 2 very soon!

#kendricklamar #kanyewest #travisscott #50cent #kanye


29 комментариев для “Popular Songs That NEVER Charted… (Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Travis Scott, 50 Cent)

  1. Maybe I’m wrong for thinking this but Many Men came out in 03 and Spotify in 06… most people has his album legit or bootleg so why would anyone really use Spotify for it? Seems unfair imo

  2. Thanks for teaching people that songs released before streaming was implemented on the billboard charts, often had to be released as official commercial singles (not just promotional singles like "Many Men") to chart so they could get radio play and be bought

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