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Scorpions – Wind Of Change (Official Music Video)

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Official Music Video for Wind Of Change performed by Scorpions.

Listen to our new album “Rock Believer” https://scorpions.lnk.to/RockBeliever

Best of Scorpions: https://goo.gl/dtfDmo

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(C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group

#Scorpions #WindOfChange #Remastered


48 комментариев для “Scorpions – Wind Of Change (Official Music Video)

  1. The world continue to change, so this song will always be relatable. I was not born when communism lost it's power in Europe, but I still love it! The video is beautiful too and I enjoyed seeing imagines from the revolution in December 1989 in Romania (my country). Those times prove that the real power in a country is held by the people, not by the government. Every political system may fall one day, because everything is changing, but the power of HUMAN will always be the same.

  2. "SI los muchos que anhelamos la paz, no podemos con-vencer a los pocos (imbéciles) que hacen ka guerra, ni los muchos ni los pocos quedaremos sobre la faz de la tierra"🌎💥🌍💥🌏💥 (Maquiabuelo)

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