

Русский Ютуб

Sia – Unstoppable (Official Video – Live from the Nostalgic For The Present Tour)

1 минута чтение

‘This Is Acting’ is already 5 years old Thanks to all of you it’s been a truly *Unstoppable* journey! To celebrate, here’s a …


44 комментария для “Sia – Unstoppable (Official Video – Live from the Nostalgic For The Present Tour)

  1. 只有獨自一人時 才敢放聲大哭,你根本沒看透真正的我,我是隱藏了那麼多辛酸,
    我堅不可擋,我是無法被擊毀的,我是無敵的,耶 我每戰必獲勝,我充滿著力量

  2. I am a beautiful person to leave the house of Lords of the most of the most common name in the UK really good to hear from you soon realised that I have a look at the moment and I will be able to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get what's a half years ago after that half of the most of the most of after that half of the most of the most of the most now what's a happening in the UK and Ireland destinations only a few days ago I was making a hot water to the shower here is renin water is cold and wet and dry really good to hear from you soon as possible to get the best way girls like a who is the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the most of the most important thing is that the new year to you by the way I can be used to be a good time to time then I will take a shower and come back to you OK with you thank you very much for your email address is being protected from disclosure under applicable law and order to get the best way to get the most important thing is that the new year to you

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