That ‘70’s Music – Was Nilsson’s Version of “Without You” THE BEST VERSION?
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Harry Nilsson had a smash hit with “Without You”. But WAS IT THE BEST VERSION?
#badfinger #nilsson #harrynilsson #mariahcarey #history #musichistory
Harry ~ #1 ~ The others ~ No comparison ~
Mariah is horrible
Nilsson without a doubt had the best version.
Carey is awful
Nilsson by a million miles!
Hats off to Harry !! Maria sings too many notes per word, Badfinger , good, but not as good as Nilsson 👦👍🎶
Nillison. Not even close.
Nilsson for sure.
Harry Nilsson without a doubt. I bought the 45 when it was released. I NEVER heard the Badfinger Version!!!! ALL these Years…over 50…I had NO Idea Pete Ham and Tom Evans were the Songwriters! This just adds to the Tragedy of both of them hung themselves because of frustration and financial distress over NOT getting paid royalties for their work! UNIMAGINABLE 🐂 💩!!! 😡😡😡
Always felt the idea of someone not wanting to live anymore post break-up was a little "needy" and "drama queen." Break-ups are hard. You adapt.You move on. Geeesh! Arrangement-wise, I suppose Harry's wins for me. Never heard the Badfinger cut and Mariah's voice is annoying to my dog-like audiological range.
Harry’s by far!
I didn't know about the bad finger , but Harry, by far 😊
Nilsson, then Badfinger, and finally,
Mariah preCarious
Nilsson did the best job on this song
Harry Nilsson's version WITHOUT A DOUBT!!😂😂😂