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35 комментариев для “This song hit different❤️‍🔥

  1. I don’t listen to new music and I’m aware him and Usher (for example) have new music. Although I won’t actually take the time to listen to their new music (2020-present) I still really love them and get excited to see them. Every. Time 🤍 They’re still making hits and they’re aging like fine wine as well as their voices. Sheesh!!

  2. CBURSO special, at least to me UR and always will be. U deserve everything God has for you, and God promises us He will give these things to us, so CBU don’t have to look for ❤, as God will send the 1/2/UCB. Please believe me, my fantasy would be that it was me. I’ve never even had a fantasy til God blessed me with U via hearing U on a radio in a borrowed car I was using as mine in shop. All I heard was “featuring Chris Brown”. Then heard the featuring Chris Brown. I was like.., who is this Chris Brown person as he’s a BAD man, in an all so good way. I went in a discovery of UCB, and U have helped me in so many ways, so thank you, but hub passes about 9 years ago, and it was UCB that made my body wanna move again!!! Then I mean, look at you!!! UBHIM2ME!!! Facts

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