One Hit Wonders – Sex Sells! 5 Things That You Didn’t Know About “Afternoon Delight”
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Not only did The Starland Vocal Band end in dissolution, but both married couples in it ended up divorced!
#onehitwonders #johndenver #starlandvocalband
Casey Kasem called. He wants his voice back.
Fun one, trooper!!🎉😊
I see the name Milton Okun on the 45rpm labels. Back in the day I had a Lennon McCartney sheet music book edited by him. The spine of the book was a spiral of wide flat plastic rings so the pages would lay flat on a piano or sheet music stand. Made it easy to use.
The record labels you show say Afternoon Delight, Produced by Milton Okun, Asst. Producer Phil Ramone; and Take Me Home, Country Roads Produced by Milton Okun, Asst. Producer Jean Kaplow. Does this mean that Milton Okun was the executive producer on these records and Phil Ramone or Jean Kaplow were more the hands on producers working the mixing board? It can be vague with these credits sometimes.
Your video's are like the old Lays Potato Chip ad, betcha can't view just one. Thanks.
Absolutely fantastic ❤😊 have a wonderful day
Excellent…a great song!
Oh and also it’s about love in the afternoon
If I remember correctly The Starland Vocal Band got the Grammy for Best New Artist… they beat out Foreigner for the honor.
I think they picked the wrong artist for the award.
Further trivia – Phil Ramone was never a member of the Ramones.
Nice video.Fat City? I wonder why they changed their name? LOL Phil Ramone must have produced more hit records than I've had hot dinners (as we say here in the UK!)
Pedal steel with a phaser pedal … Just in case anyone out there is foolish enough to duplicate this song 😂
interesting. 🤔
Love your videos. Still learning about music I've loved for over 40 years.
I loved it then, I love it now, and I easily and casually deflect all the crap flung at me for it. I especially like that last a capella chorus. I would be extremely interested to find out how the harmonies break down on it.
Groovy 😮
They even had their own TV show that summer on one of the networks. David Letterman was also on it doing 5 minute comedy bits–no laugh track–horrid!
Didnt know their connection to John Denver,,,,good stuff
The most annoying song in history!
I never would have thought this! Good work.
What a god awful song this truly is!
When i saw John Denver live in 1992, he mentioned the Danoffs on stage—
Good job. I didn't know any of the 5 things.
funny you said one hit wonder “menu” because the title afternoon delight was actually something that was featured on a menu in a New York restaurant the couple was eating at