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La Bouche – Sweet dreams (Official Video)

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The official video of La Bouche to „Sweet Dreams“.

You can listen to all songs of La Bouche here: https://bio.to/LaBoucheDC

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Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night

I wanna get into motion, a better devotion
So I can make it through the night
So the music is playin’, you know what I’m saying
Now everything will be alright

Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night
Ola ola e, ola ola e
Ola ola e, ola ola e

Rhythm is a creation, a better sensation
That will lead you through the night
When your body is movin’, the music is groovin’
I want to take you home tonight

Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night
Ola ola e, ola ola e
Ola ola e, ola ola e

Keep dancin’ hard
Give this groove more feeling
Dance trance dance more dealing
In out up down all around
On the dance floor gettin’ down
Take time just to show them who
We can make your body move
Totally, yes the party’s started
Sweet dreams keep comin’ harder

Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night

Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night
Ola ola e, ola ola e
Ola ola e, ola ola e

#LaBouche #SweetDreams #OfficialVideo


35 комментариев для “La Bouche – Sweet dreams (Official Video)

  1. I remember going to the hair salon with my mom back in '96 when we lived in Harrisonburg VA. There was hot pink and black everywhere. I could smell the hairspray. This song was playing.

    Little memories like that, man. Simpler times…

  2. Sweet dreams la Bouche yes Ilove you ❤️ 💋 ♐️ 💘 ⚡️ 🔥 ❤️ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Melanie Thornten hat damals ihren Tod kommen sehen!… indem Sie in einem Interview sagte: Man weiß nie wann es vorbei ist!… ein paar Tage später ist Sie bei einem Flugzeug Absturz ums Leben gekommen! 😢 …eine der Größten Sängerin hat sich verabschiedet!😢 eins der Besten Songs der guten alten 90'er !!! ❤😊 …jetzt hat sich der Macher Frank Farian verabschiedet!😢 …See you in Heaven! Unglaublich schöne Musik und Zeit!❤

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