

Русский Ютуб

what y’all think i played for @PUSHATgood 🤔 @BigHitPasadena #newmusic

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45 комментариев для “what y’all think i played for @PUSHATgood 🤔 @BigHitPasadena #newmusic

  1. Doesn't matter! If you produced it it's a banger period 🔥🔥🔥Big Hit over there coolin like where the H*es at. Big Hit don't give no F's about who a celebrity is. You can tell he's focused.

  2. Sunrise… I play that shit every morning when I wake up. I left a weed shop/ trap I was working there for 3 years. I can’t tell you how happy I am to leave that and find something new. Keep repping dena SIX TWO SIX GOD BLESS EVERYONE

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