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These lyrics hit different…🎯💔🥃 “Dear Alcohol” MegaMix out now… #alcohol #sober #alcoholic

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34 комментария для “These lyrics hit different…🎯💔🥃 “Dear Alcohol” MegaMix out now… #alcohol #sober #alcoholic

  1. Dax my boy you just keep pop up with superstars one right after the other god got you on a mission too bro you know your light that shines from within you is going to change the world for the better and no disrespect bro but saying no one cares work harder is not really the impression you want to leave on the children that are going to be our future is just that I get what you are saying but literally little kids look up to you for real and you are kind of wrong in that statement because I care always about everything and everyone I never expected anything in return for caring you know you’re Brilliant Artist and you are finding amazing artist like yourself and it’s gonna make a difference in this life healing is upon us Do you a favor and let that no one cares work harder stuff go work harder because you care about you and you deserve it I don’t want to sound like I am telling you what to do but trust when I say I know things and the time is now for change I don’t know about you all I’m not gonna let darkness win not without a battle I am proud of you Dax told you superstar just think about what I said and I appreciate you apologize if I offended you or you feel I disrespected you I assure you that isn’t my intentions ❤

  2. I like the slick addressing stereotypes of what people think about what people are just from the contrast of what dax is wearing and what the other artist is wearing, who is this singing with Dax on here?

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