

Русский Ютуб

TO-MA – Помада | Премьера клипа

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Слушайте новый трек «Помада» на всех цифровых платформах – http://link.1mp.ru/topo

Режиссер: Sirin @sirin.alkonost
Креатив: Sirin @sirin.alkonost x sobersasha @sobersasha

Оператор: Марк Миллер @millermarc

Генеральный продюсер: Николай Степанов @nstepanov_official
Продюсер: Федор Кан @fedorkan

2 режиссер: Андрей Венков @aavenkov
Директор съемочной группы – Александр Любенко @lubenkoadmincrew

Художник: Татьяна Мельникова @tatianamelnikova
Арт директор – Dashkamonashka @set_swagger

Стилист: Ксюша Смо @smo.everyday
Стилист по волосам: Мария Туева @tueva.maria
Художник по гриму: Анна Максимова @annrsb

Хореограф: Decki @deckiknights

Кастинг директор: Екатерина Ястребова @ne_yas_no
Каскадер: Сергей Сокол
Женщина клерк: Румянцева Лариса
Клинер: Лимаренко Артём (LUMPEN agency)
Клерк: Сторожук Михаил
Клерк: Патрикеев Артем
Клерк: Гутникова Виктория
Байкер: Алексеев Максим (NAME agency)

Постпродакшен продюсер: Павел Рябов @ryabov_production
Режиссер монтажа: Егор Моругин @egod_damn
CG composing – @dvltvfx, @daniel4green
CG tracking & composing – @SuperPoykin
CG transition – Matvey Avdonin
VFX unreal – Tanya Metabird @metabird_production
Цветокоррекция: Андрей Гарный @andrey_garny
Backstage: @Евгений Даниялов @e_daniyalov

Production: @stormproduction.ru
Музыка, текст @eva_mars__


36 комментариев для “TO-MA – Помада | Премьера клипа

  1. То-Ма человек, и настоящая певица и если все певицыначнут работать так как То-Ма то мы добьемся чего то, но почему то на эстраде все меньше и меньше настоящих певиц , а все больше лицемерш и баблохапов

  2. Клипы да с бюджетом и сюжетом, само исполнение какое-то безликое, как еще одна из толпы шоу-биза, типа Anna Asti 2.0.
    Без красочной сочной картинке слушать не интересно

  3. I believe the most important thing in life is to love others, what rips my heart

    in two is how much hatred and division is in the world right now,

    When God made us, he made us to love and serve one another.

    To let go of our pride, our egos, and treat others as we would wish to be treated.

    This world could be such a paradise if only we learned to conquer our hatred, ignorance, bitterness and resentment.

    If we all thought before we spoke, loved before we judged, and fed others before we had eaten.

    True Christianity isn’t about looking down our noses at others, moral superiority or self-righteous judgment.

    ‘’For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God’’ Only God is Good,

    which is why Jesus Christ his only begotten son died for our sins,

    he was beaten, bloodied, broken and crucified for our trespasses, for our sins. 

    All we have to do on our part is to let go of our own ideals of righteousness and to repent, and believe in his name,

    the salvation he has given us is a free Gift of God, it isn’t based on our performance, or how ‘’good’’

    we are but about having faith in him and for what he did for us upon the Cross, which he died, and was resurrected on the third day.

    I share this message only out of love, not out of judgment or hatred of anyone,

    my only desire is to see every man, woman and child to live in the freedom of God’s righteousness,

    free from the oppressive slavery and suffering shackles of sin, I want all of you to be blessed,

    so much so that your praises to God will be heard in the remotest parts of the earth,

    A God who will never leave you, hurt you, or abandon you. Without Jesus Christ,

    Without his great sacrifice, there is no forgiveness, not in this life or in the next,

    and without him, there is only suffering and eternal damnation, chaos and destruction.


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